posted by Evan Jake at 2:56 PM

This is the second installment in a multi-part series about life after ten months.
Part II: Open WideAs I'm able to get around more and more on my own, I'm discovering more and more things to put in my mouth. Mom and dad are trying to keep the house cleaner, but it's just not good enough yet. As I wander, sometimes I'll find a shoe, cell phone or electrical cord to chew on until it gets taken away. Can't a baby have any fun? That's me in the picture reaching for the TV remote that was snatched from my fingers.
I shouldn't complain too much because mom has been giving me lots of new things to taste already. I still eat lots of fake milk everyday. Luckily I got switched over to some tastier fake milk. That non-allergenic stuff was just awful. It made my tummy feel better but it smelled and tasted gross.
In addition to the fake milk, I still also get lots of mush. Mom is trying to give me less of the orange foods to see if my nose with change back to a normal color. (No luck yet. I think it will be orange for life.) Meanwhile, getting spoon-fed is still the best. I can just sit back, open wide and gulp, there it is. Very little effort is required on my part. If dad is feeding me, I might get a bit mischievous and dodge my head side to side or try to swat the spoon out of his hand. I love the look on his face when the food goes flying.
The bottles of fake milk and the bowls of mush are my main dishes. But mom and dad are now giving me little tastes of their own food too. I've got my little snacks of Veggie Puffs and Cheerios. But really, they're more fun to drop on the floor. I mostly like the sound they make when the hit the ground. "Plink, plunk." What I really like are the little nips of bread, potato chips, bagels, veggies, you name it. If mom and dad are eating it, I enjoy a taste, too. Sometimes if I just open my mouth and wait there, they're put a little bit of food in. It's a nice trick.
When food isn't going into my mouth, new things are coming out. No, not spit up. I hardly do that anymore. Mostly what comes out of my mouth now are new words. All that grown up talk is hard. But I've managed to get a few out. I love our kitties and when I see them I often like to exclaim, "cat!" Mom is trying to teach me to say her name, "mama." I guess she doesn't understand. I already gave her my own name that I use all the time. It's: "Waaah!" If she hears me calling, "Waaah!" that means I want her. It's that simple.
Sometimes when I'm in the mood, I'll say dad's name, "dada." But only when he's not around. Mom should take notice that when I say, "dada," it usually goes up at the end, like a question: "Dada?" As in, "Where the heck is dada? Why isn't dada ever around? Surely he's not at work all those hours? If dada works so much, shouldn't we be able to live in a house with stairs?"
The one word I'm really working on is, "car." Of course, that's because I love car rides. And maybe if I could just say the word, they'd take me on more car rides.
Now when food isn't going in and words aren't coming out, let's not forget about the teeth coming through! There are now two teeth on the bottom, which I've had for a while. And now two teeth have cut through on the top. Ouch. Please let that be it with the teeth for a while.
Okay, I hear those veggie puffs shaking in their can. Time for a snack!
To be continued.