DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

More Ouch

posted by Evan Jake at 6:44 PM

Ow! What's with these sharp teeth in my mouth? A few months ago, I cut me some nice white teeth in the bottom of my mouth. That was no picnic. But I soon discovered that my new teeth came in very handy for biting down on toys and dad's fingers.

Now, two more of these jagged teeth are poking out from the top of my mouth. It's not fun. In fact, it really hurts and keeps me from sleeping. Luckily mom and dad always seem to be awake at 3am come in and take care of me.

But I'm left to wonder: how many more of these razor-like teeth will I grow? Two, Three, Four?! And will they all hurt this much?

I guess my new teeth will be useful for chewing on my veggie puffs and Cheerios. Maybe soon I'll be able to eat food from the drive-through restaurants like mom. Then I can spend even more time in the car -- I love car rides.

I also need to take care of these new teeth. Mom helps me brush them with a tiny tooth brush. No flossing though. With all the work I'm putting into cutting these teeth, I certainly wouldn't want them to fall out. I hope I get to keep these teeth forever!



At 12:38 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

New teeth?! Good job! That is hard work.
I am interested to know how you like Cheerios. They don't seem like they would break down as easy as the puffs so I have been hesistant to give them to Avery (who still gags a little on the puffs).


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