DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Thelma and Evan Jake

posted by Evan Jake at 8:52 PM

This weekend, mom took me on a roadtrip. Dad didn't come along. I guess mom wanted to get away from him for a while. I bet he missed us. The house must have been really empty and quiet while we were gone. I'm sure he was up all night and not able to sleep because it was so quiet.

Mom took me to see nana and papa who just moved into a new house. Their new house is much closer to us than their old house. I love car rides, but having them nearer is nice, too. I'm happy they moved just to be closer to me.

Nana and papa's new house is big and has stairs. It's big enough for me and all my toys. It's also big enough for all my cousins -- all six of them. But only two of my cousins were there this weekend. That's me in the picture with my cousins Maddi and Hannah sitting in baby jail. (Maddi and Hannah are the ones in the matching outfits.)

Maddi is almost a month younger than me. So as her big cousin, I had to be a little tough on her. I would grab her toys and try to push her around. But even though she's younger, Maddi's a little bigger than me so I was sure to be careful. Plus, her big sister Hannah is almost three and looked like she could pack a wallop.

I also liked seeing my aunt and uncle. The fact that they brought me a present didn't hurt my opinion of them either. It was a bath toy, even though I usually take my baths in the sink.

Speaking of baths, I got to take a bath with my cousins, too. (Sorry, no pictures of bathtime will be posted here.) We had fun splashing each other. After I got out of the bath, my cousin Maddi had an "accident" in the water. Let me just say I'm glad I got out of the bath just in time. But who am I to criticize? I myself have enjoyed "accidents" in a warm bath. Who doesn't?

Nana and papa's house also has kitty cats, just like we do at our house. One of their kitties was really nice. His name is Milton and he let me grab and pull his fur. Milton is 15 years old, which is like a million Evan Jake years.

When we got home, I was happy to see dad again. And he seemed really happy to see us. Maybe next time mom will let dad come along. I hope we get to go to nana and papa's again real soon.



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