DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, September 14, 2006

40 Weeks and Counting

posted by Evan Jake at 6:04 PM

Since I came home from the hospital nine months ago, I've had three loves in my life: My parents (mostly mom); car rides (I love car rides); and my pacifier (referred to affectionately as "Pacie".) That's me in the picture in a rare moment without "Pacie".

I must be growing up. Because this week I decided I no longer require "Pacie." "Pacie" has been with me everywhere I've gone my whole life. Mom and dad once tried to take "Pacie" away from me. That did not go very well. Since that time, they've been very generous in giving me "Pacie." In fact, I have more than just one "Pacie." I have several "Pacies" in my crib that I can reach at any time. I have one attached to each car seat and stroller. And I also have a small collection of my own at day care (those have my name written on them.)

Why have I decided to part ways with "Pacie?" Perhaps I have a tooth coming in. Or maybe there's something else going on. You see, when I get fussy, mom and dad try to cram "Pacie" in my mouth and walk away. "Pacie" is a good friend but he's no substitute for good one-on-one time with mom and dad. Now when mom or dad try to stick that plug in my mouth so they can neglect me, I just spit it out. I'm not going to take it anymore. I won't even take "Pacie" at naptime or bedtime.

Farewell, my dear "Pacie." You've been a good friend. I hope we meet again soon. Maybe real soon.



At 9:20 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Wow, good job!
I think sometimes losing the pacifier can be quite traumatic. Lucky for you!
So does this mean he won't be one of the 5-year old kids I see at the store that pops the pacifier out to ask if they can take a Lunchable to school? :)

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Josh said...

To every thing, turn turn turn.


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