DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Free to a Good Home

posted by Evan Jake at 7:06 PM

This morning mom and dad told me they were taking me to the adoption shelter. What did I do to deserve this?! I totally started to panic. I reached for all my favorite toys -- I have a lot and it was difficult to choose. (That's me in the picture with my Lego toys.) But before I could stuff my pockets full of stacking cups and board books, I was whisked away and put into the car.

I love car rides, but I wondered: would this be my last car ride ever? Maybe I could promise mom and dad I'd be better. I'll poop less and take longer naps! I'll clean my room and keep my toys neater. I'll fuss less at day care. Anything!

When we arrived at the shelter, my heart started to pound. Mom took me out of the car and I held on tight. As we walked inside, everyone was looking at me. I could tell they were sizing me up. Then we went into this smelly room with lots of cages. Could this really be where they take fussy babies? But the cages were all full of doggies -- not babies!

The doggies were all really happy to see me. They jumped up and down and barked. Mom took me around to meet all the different kinds of dogs. I felt bad they were all in those cages and I wanted to take them all home. But we weren't there to get a dog. Mom used to volunteer at the shelter and she wanted me to get to see all the different doggies living there.

Then we went into a separate room full of kitties. We already have two kitties at home so we aren't getting any more. Still, these kitties were all very pretty. I got to pet a couple of them. There were several cages of kittens as well. But those little kittens were no match for the cuteness of Evan Jake! There were two ladies in the kitten room going on and on about how cute I am. They weren't even paying attention to the adorable baby kitties. Take that kittens!

I ended up really liking my trip to the adoption shelter. Before we left, we walked through the dog room one more time. I wish we could have taken one of those lonely dogs home. Dad won't let me have one. He says he doesn't want to have to clean up poop or take it on walks. Oddly enough, the rest of my afternoon consisted of dad cleaning up my messy diaper and taking me on a walk. Should I be worried? Good thing he can't dump me off at a shelter for babies!



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