DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Now Spit!

posted by Evan Jake at 7:42 PM

Today, Mommy took me to the tooth doctor for the very first time. I got to sit in a big pink reclining chair and they had videos on the ceiling.

I was very well behaved and sat still the whole time. Mommy had been talking up the dentist for a couple days now, so I was all ready to go in there and say, "Ah!"

So when I was in the dentist chair, I took my cue and opened wide. I was hoping to get some happy gas, but the dentist just took a tiny mirror and put it in my mouth. It tasted like shiny. He said my teeth looked really good in the mirror. Then he told Mommy to be sure to brush my teeth twice a day. I only brush them once a day now, before bed time. And that's plenty for me. The dentist man also told Mommy to floss my teeth every night. Yeah, as if.

I thought denists gave out candy, but this one only gave me a sticker. What a rip-off. I was totally not buying it. So he gave me a new toothbrush to take home instead. "Ooh, a toothbrush. What fun." I pretended to be totally excited about it. Given all the sharp tools I saw there, I don't want to get on this guy's bad side.

I appreciate the concern for my teeth, but aren't they all going to fall out anyway? So shouldn't I enjoy not brushing and flossing while I can? I wouldn't mind if my teeth fell out early. I could use the tooth-fairy cash.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snow Bawl

posted by Evan Jake at 8:18 PM

Woo hoo! Snow!!

I got out of school early this week because there was snow. Here in Maryland, sometimes we get out of school before there's even any snow at all. But on Thursday, it was coming down good, so they sent us home.

That's me in the picture playing in the snow after getting home from school. I had a great time running around the "frozen tundra" of my neighborhood. I was so excited to play in the snow, I even acquiesced to wear my hat, mittens, boots and snow pants without much of a fight. It was so much work just to get all dressed up to go outside that I was going to have fun out there and make it last. I made snow angels and watched a doggy make yellow snow. I had an awesome time.

Even yesterday, when the snow was mostly gone, I still sought out the tiny remaining patches of snow to jump around on and squish under my feet.

Today I didn't go out to play at all. It was really, really cold. Instead, I stayed inside all day running around and driving Mommy and Daddy crazy. I get cabin fever pretty quickly. There's no keeping me down. I actually enjoy running around and playing in the cold. Maybe I have a future playing in Green Bay.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Man, What Are You Doin' Here?

posted by Evan Jake at 9:53 PM

This weekend we got in Biggie Van and drove to Philadelphia for my Mom-Mom-Mom's birthday brunch. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. I wasn't offered any cheesecake, and I didn't get to see the factory part, so we might as well have been eating anywhere. But that wouldn't have mattered, since I was getting to see the whole family and we had a great time together.

My great-grandmother, aka Mom-Mom-Mom, is an awesome lady. And she got a way cooler party than I did for my birthday. There weren't any paper plates or messy craft projects. Just nice clean dishes and yummy food. Mom-Mom-Mom even got a real piece of cake to eat -- not just a cupcake like I got at my party. She got nice gifts, too. Although, I didn't see her getting as much cool stuff as I did. She didn't get any gifts made out of brightly-colored molded plastic or picture books made out of cardboard.

Dadda did agree to share some of his giant Belgian waffle with chocolate chips. I love waffles and I love chocolate. I never would have thought to put the two together. It was divine.

While we were there, we stayed overnight with my aunt and uncle. They have two fun kitty cats I got to chase around. And there are like three different keyboard instruments in the basement I got to play on. That's me in the picture sitting at the Clavinova playing my rendition of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" in the style of John Cage. I also got to listen to my uncle play the guitar and he even let me hit the strings with my fist over and over.

I hear that I'll soon have new cousin to play with when I visit their house. Then I'll finally have someone decent to play duets with.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Potty Training

posted by Evan Jake at 8:04 PM

Over the winter vacation, Dadda decided to redo the floor in the bathroom in our basement. The bathroom had dark wall-to-wall carpeting. I guess the idea of a young male getting potty trained motivated Dadda to tear up that carpeting and put down beautiful new tile.

Dadda did an amazing job putting down the new floor. Bubbie says the floor is crooked. But I think it looks great. That's me in the potty room with the pretty new floor.

The last part of the job was putting back the potty and securing it to the newly-tiled floor. For this task, Dadda invited Zayde to come down and help. It was clear pretty early on that neither of them knew what they were doing. Taking the potty off was easy. Putting it back was hard.

Surprisingly, without too much trouble, they had the potty all back in place, bolted to the floor, tank on, flushing and full of water. That's when Dadda decided to tighten the bolts just a little bit more. And it was one turn too many when "CRACK!" the bottom of the tank shattered and water went everywhere. I was napping at the time, but I'm pretty sure I heard someone say a naughty word all the way from upstairs in my crib. They hurried to clean up the water with lots of towels. I should have loaned them some of my super absobent Pampers diapers.

I don't know why Dadda asked Zayde to come down to help. Dadda could have easily broken the potty all on his own. So with the potty shattered, and the splashed water everywhere, Dadda decided to do what he does best: He picked up the phone.

This morning a very nice man came with a brand new potty. He put it in and everything is working great. Dadda watched carefully to see the right way to put in a potty without breaking it. Personally, I'm not interested in learning how the potty works. I just want figure out how to use the darned thing.


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