DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Gloves Are Off

posted by Sarah Gill at 6:25 PM

Okay, Evan Jake. I know you have claimed to be the cutest baby ever. But given the way you've treated me lately, I have no choice but to challenge your past claims and resort to this cuteness face-off.

I've just turned six months old. That's a picture of me on the left taken just a couple of days ago. Wow, I'm really beautiful. I should be a model on a diaper box or something.

Then I went and dug up this old picture of you from when you were six months old, as seen on the right. Gosh, are you drooling on yourself? Okay, maybe I could have found a more flattering picture of you, but what would have been the fun in that?

So who's the cutest baby ever, now? I think the results speak for themselves. Sarah Gill rules and Evan Jake drools!



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