DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Workin' It

posted by Evan Jake at 8:15 AM

Mom is putting in her first full week of work as a teacher. I guess she needed to go back to work because dad can't pay the bills by himself.

Mom and I have never been apart for so many hours. I hope now that mom is working full time, she appreciates how easy I am to stay home with all day.

I'm happy for mom. I know she misses me. But she's making new friends, doing good work and making money to buy me more chairs. The only silver lining here is that this week I haven't had to go to day care. My day care has been closed for a few days. I guess my loud crying made the paint peel, so they have to redo the entire room. That means no daily car ride to day care (I love car rides) but I get to stay home all day instead.

The nice lady who watches me at day care is coming to our house to take care of me. I like her. I'm glad I still get to see her even though day care is closed. Having her come to my house is an arrangement I can live with. She comes here and gives me undivided attention and I get to play with my own toys. No sharing!

Meanwhile, I'm also getting to spend more quality time with dad. Okay, maybe I use the word "quality" too loosely. Dad has taken a few hours each morning to hang out with me while mom is at work. That's me in the picture hanging out in the backyard. When he's not lying on the couch or checking his e-mail, dad reads me books and takes me on walks. He's getting better at taking care of me. We seem to have fun together. But I won't let on. I'll just continue torturing him by pretending I'm hungry then refusing my bottle. Or waiting to take a big poop until he's alone with me so he can't pass me off to mom.

When mom does come home, I'm happy and give her a big hug. After a long day, I miss her and I know she misses me, too. Going back to work must be really hard. Not that I would know. I just sit on my tushy all day.



At 10:39 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

You look so studious there with your book! I need to get Avery some books too... Any recommendations?

At 7:36 PM, Blogger Evan Jake said...

Mom and dad read me "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do you See?" and "Polar Bear, Polar What Do You Hear?" by Eric Carle. I like those books. They're cardboard and I can turn the pages all by myself. They haven't gotten me final book in the series yet, "Grizzly Bear, Grizzly Bear, What Do You Smell?"

A couple of my other favorite books are "The Very Hungry Catterpillar" and "A Snowy Day." I also like to read the mail when it comes. I usually get a catalog, postcard or credit card solicitation all to myself (with mom and dad's supervision of course!)


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