DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Riding High

posted by Evan Jake at 8:37 PM

The chair collection grows and grows!

So far, in the past 7-1/2 months, I've compiled quite a collection of chairs. Everytime I get a new one, I'm just compelled to write about it. Even though I can sit on my own, I still love each and every one of my chairs.

To recap, I already have a high chair, a bumbo chair, an indoor swinging chair, an outdoor swinging chair, a rocking chair, two stroller chairs, a bath chair, an excersaucer chair and of course, my favorite, the car chairs (because I love car rides). I used to have a bouncy chair, but I got too big for it. With my extra weight, the bouncy chair became more of a saggy chair.

Anyway, this week, mom bought me a new booster chair. That's me in the picture sitting in my new booster chair. It's portable. That means it can go with me anywhere. So no matter where I go, I can sit and eat like a prince!



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