DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Baby Fireworks

posted by Evan Jake at 4:55 PM

With the big July Fourth weekend, dad has been around a bit more than usual. I like dad. He's a fun buddy. But I like mom better.

Mom takes care of me most of the time and I don't really like being away from her for very long. If I wake up from a nap and mom's not there I can get pretty upset. Heck, if I'm sitting on the floor and playing and I turn around and she's not there, I'll get very teary. And as much as I love car rides, I hate sitting in the back all alone while mom sits all the way in the front. Sometimes I'll cry an entire car ride. What fun is that?

Mom says it's separation anxiety that gets me so worked up. Well, if mom has so much anxiety about leaving me, she shouldn't put me down! She made this nifty carrier for me called a Mei Tai wrap. Dad says it sounds like something you'd order with an egg roll and chicken-fried rice. I don't know what that means because I only eat fake milk and pureed vegetables.

That's me in the picture with mom and my new Mei Tai wrap. Look how easy it is for mom and I look so happy. Mom can have her hands free so shouldn't ever have to put me down!



At 11:55 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

E.J, you should really give your mom a break every once in a while. My baby does the same thing. She needs me constantly and it is exhausting!


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