DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Shots Happen

posted by Evan Jake at 7:16 PM

Turning six months old comes with a lot of new and exciting things. It also comes with another trip to the doctor. Mom and dad took me to see the nice doctor lady yesterday. It was scheduled during my usual naptime, which made me a bit cranky. But the car ride made up for it a little -- I love car rides.

According to the nice doctor lady, I'm growing like a should. I'm still in the 50th percentile of weight for my age, with a 98th percentile head. No wonder my neck gets so tired! (Yes, I'm still in the 99th percentile of cuteness.) The nice doctor lady was also very impressed with my personality and focus. She said I'm like "my own little person" already. What was she expecting, a puppy?

Mom and dad asked the nice doctor lady lots of questions. One of the questions they asked was how much food I should be eating. The answer was as much as I want! I like that answer. Who else gets to eat as much as they want and gets praised for gaining so much weight?! I like that nice doctor lady. Until the shots, of course.

Why do they keep poking me? It really hurts and then I feel rotten afterwards. I'd like to think those were the last shots I'll ever get. But something tells me that's not the case.

In other news, I got a fun visit on Sunday from my bubbe, pop-pop and double bubbe (that's my great-grandmother). That's me in the picture getting fed by my double bubbe. She's a pro. I could tell she's fed lots of babies. Everyone took turns feeding me, but double bubbe was the best.

It was nice having visitors. I got to show off my new tricks like rolling over and sitting up. They kept asking me to do my tricks and cheering when I did. Okay, maybe I am like a puppy. But a really, really cute puppy!



At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear EJ,

What a wonderful name - Double Bubbe. It rolls off the tongue!

Our best to you Evan and to your DB!

Love, Nana and Papa


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