DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The Trip

posted by Evan Jake at 2:41 PM

I know you've all been eagerly awaiting an update from me. Mom and I went on a road trip this week and that kept me pretty tied up — literally. I spent the better part of this last week strapped down into my car chair.

While dad flew off to Los Angeles for a "business trip" — what business had to be done at Dodger Stadium, pray tell? — mom took me up to see nana and papa and all of their friends and family. I don't think it was so much about letting me meet all these nice people as it was a chance for mom to show me off. Everyone said how cute how I was, which is only stating the obvious. Dad, meanwhile, only had pictures of me to show people on his trip. I'm sure they all said I was super, super cute, too.

At first, mom thought about taking me on a plane ride to see nana and papa. But I love car rides. And mom needed to bring so much stuff with us, that she practically filled the entire car with all my toys, chairs, bottles, clothes and strollers. Mom could only fit one little bag of clothes for herself.

That's me in the picture in my ExerSaucer before we left. That didn't fit in the car so it stayed behind. The other thing mom couldn't fit in the car was my crib. So at nana and papa's house, I had to sleep in a fake crib. Mom set up the fake crib in a closet. Yes, a closet! You see, nana and papa don't have any shades on their windows in the guest room. And I can't sleep unless it's dark. Really dark. I slept pretty well in there. I actually started to like being in the closet — is there anything wrong with that? I even slept one whole night all the way through. I don't even do that at home. I hope mom and dad don't get any ideas about putting me in closets at their house. Those closets are small and packed with of lots of junk.

I liked nana and papa's house. It has stairs and lots of extra space. Even my closetroom was bigger than some of the rooms in mom and dad's house. I was just trying to imagine what nana and papa's big house would look like filled with all my brightly colored swings and chairs. Oh, that would be so sweet.

When I wasn't napping in the closet, mom took me around to where she used to work. Mom used to work?! And she took me to the college where she and dad met. Dad went to college?! I also got to see where mom and dad got married. I didn't realize mom and dad were so busy before I came along.

With all the people I got to meet, I started to get more comfortable with other people holding me and playing with me. I guess mom thought I didn't need her anymore. So one afternoon, during my long nap, mom sneaked out! She went to dinner with one of her friends. When I woke up, nana came in to see me. I like nana, but I kind of wanted to see mom — just for a second. That's when I realized she was nowhere around! I started to cry.

Nana had to call mom because I was "inconsolable." Mom came back to the house right away. Boy, was I happy to see her. I was a total snivelling wreck by the time she got back. It's not a good look for me.

We drove back home yesterday. I slept most of the ride. When we got home, dad still wasn't back from his trip yet. So mom put me to bed. But then, in the middle of the night, at that time when I usually wake up, guess who came in to see me? It was dad! At first I was a little confused. I was groggy and couldn't believe who I was seeing. I must have had quite a puzzled look on my face. But then dad picked me up and I gave him a smile (just a little one). We were all back together again. That made me happy. It's much harder for me to rule the family when we're spread all over the country. Once again, I'm master of the domain!



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