DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Moms to the Power of Three

posted by Evan Jake at 7:25 PM

Today's my big five month birthday! But rather than celebrate all my great achievements of the last 151 days, we had a celebration for mom! At first I was little jealous. I'm used to being the center of attention. But mom does so much for me I thought I'd let this one day be just for her.

Mom and dad put me in the car and we went for a long drive to bubbe and pop-pop's house. I love car rides. I was so excited to see all these new places, I barely slept the entire time. Along the way, we drove through Delaware. Delware smelled kind of funny. Dad said that's because Delaware is where all my diapers go when I'm finished messing them. Judging by the giant piles of garbage I saw out the car window, he's probably right. Boy, and I thought dad let the trash pile up!

When we arrived, dad's whole family was there to greet me. (That's me in the picture sitting on my bubbe's lap.) It was little overwhelming, all those happy people getting up in my face, talking in high voices and tickling my feet. When it got to be too much I just turned on the tears and everyone backed off, at least for a couple seconds.

There was a lot of food to celebrate all the moms in the family. I got to wish a happy mom's day not just to my mom, but to my bubbe and great-grandma, too. That's three generations of moms! If being a mom is such hard work, why do they keep doing it? Us babies must be worth it. But I guess it doesn't hurt to thank them once a year.

For instance, Mom says I have my bubbe to thank for my brown eyes. None of my other grandparents have brown eyes. Theirs are all blue or green. Even my mom and my great-grandma have blue eyes. So my bubbe must have very brown eyes if she had enough to give me some!

After everyone ate, I got a tour of the house that dad grew up in. It has stairs, a yard and everything -- not like our house. Dad has some explaining to do.

Even though the party was for all the moms there, including my dad's aunt and her mom, I was still the center of attention. I guess with all those moms in one room, a baby as cute as me is bound to be the hit of the party.

Happy mom's day!



At 1:54 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Happy 5-months Evan! Be good to your mom, she works hard to take care of you :)


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