DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Babywagon

posted by Evan Jake at 12:15 PM

The .4773rd Percentile

Right now, the Philadelphia Phillies aren't the only ones moving up in the standings. This week, the Social Security Administration released the baby name rankings for 2005. My name, "Evan," continued its steady climb moving from number 39 to 38. Which means I'll have a pretty good chance of finding a license plate or keychain with my name on it. My chances will increase even more if I zip over to Ireland (rank 25) or simply head north into British Columbia (rank 18). Alright, even though I love car rides, that's probably little far to travel just for an "Evan's Parking" sign for above my crib.

Meanwhile, my middle name, "Jacob," held its spot at number 1 for the seventh consecutive year! As you can tell, my mom and dad are very original. More alarmingly, "Ethan" was ranked at number 5 for the third time in four years. So I have a suspicion I'll be expected to answer to that name, along with the seven other Ethan's in my first-grade class.

Mom and dad also helped me look up my name on this crazy web-site called babynamewizard.com. Click on the baby name voyager and you can spend hours looking at names that were popular a long, long time ago -- like when my great grandma was born! You'll be so engrossed, you won't even hear that baby in the corner of the room screaming for attention! (Ahem!!) Even though I'm not-quite-five-months-old, I can look at what names used to be popular and see that everything happens in cycles. Which means I'll probably end up giving my kids names like Hobart or Ida. And speaking of cycles, that surely means the Phillies' luck is about to run out.



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