DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Baby On Board

posted by Evan Jake at 5:24 PM

I love car rides. When I used to say that, I had no idea car rides could be so long!

I've been late catching up on my blog, because mom and dad took me on a long road trip to North Carolina. I went to visit my aunt and uncle, two cousins and their two cats and a dog. That dog was the biggest dog I've ever seen -- okay, it was the only dog I've ever seen. They all live in a big new house with stairs and a flat-screen TV. Mom and dad wanted me to visit, but didn't want me getting too comfortable.

My one cousin is a few weeks younger than me, so I thought I could share some older-cousin wisdom with her. She hardly ever cries. And when she does, it's only a little whimpering sound. I tried to show her how much louder I could scream and how much more often. I also tried to show her that if you keep waking up in the middle of the night, mom and dad will come running to pick you up. For some reason, she just prefers to sleep all night. How boring.

With the cats, a big dog, my baby cousin and a two-year old running around, the house was full of activity. It was so much more fun and more interesting than what I do everyday. But after a while it got to be sensory overload. I couldn't sleep and all I wanted to do was watch what was going on. It all left me a little weary and even crankier than usual.

My aunt and uncle look like very good parents. They seem to really know what they're doing. I hope mom and dad were taking notes. They're still pretty clueless when it comes to taking care of me.

As much as I loved meeting my family, the best part, by far, was the five hour car ride each way. I love car rides. Mom sat in the back with me and kept me company, giving me my pacifier or handing me toys whenever I fussed. On the way there, dad pulled over to meet a nice man in a shiny car. Turns out the man was a state trooper giving dad a commendation on his ability to operate a motor vehicle at speeds in excess of the posted limit. I guess dad wasn't that special though, because I saw several other drivers getting awards, too. The good news is that in North Carolina, you have to appear in court personally to pick up your commendation. So maybe I'll get to make another trip soon!



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