DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Yours Drooly

posted by Evan Jake at 7:05 PM

Let me start today by personally thanking everyone who has sent me all those wonderful gifts the last three months. I just love all the stuffed animals, preppy outfits (some of which I still have to grow into) and bright-colored toys. Some of you I've never even met, and you're sending me presents. Some of you mom and dad have never even met and you're sending gifts! It's wonderful to have such generous friends and family.

To show my appreication, I've asked mom and dad to handwrite thank you notes to all of you on my behalf. It's not that I don't care or can't find time in my busy schedule between crying, pooping, sleeping and car rides (I love car rides). It's just that my penmanship is pretty poor. Besides, no one wants a thank you note smeared by drool and spit up.

Most of you have probably already gotten a nice note from mom or dad, but I suspect they've lost track of a few gifts, lost some addresses or have just been too plain lazy recently. I think it's pretty rude not to send a thank you note and I certainly don't want that reflecting on me personally in any way. I hope mom and dad don't ever try to lecture me on manners!

Meanwhile, I'm really looking forward to my playdate tomorrow. While dad's at work (or where ever it is that he goes during the day) mom and I are going over to Princess G's house. We've been there a couple times before and I've always enjoyed hanging out with her. She's a few months older than me and her house is very nice. Not only is her house bigger than mine, it's also really clean. I can't help but notice that there aren't big piles of toys and dirty blankets everywhere. Something tells me that if I spit up on the floor it would get cleaned up right away and not sit there waiting for the cats to lick it up. Also, their house has stairs and a big TV. Her dad must work harder than mine. I bet her mom and dad also get to all of their thank you notes right away!



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