DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I Hate Tummy Time

posted by Evan Jake at 10:48 PM

Why do you mom and dad do this to me?

Several times a day, mom or dad will pick me up during my happy play time and flip me onto my belly. I really don't like this. Not one bit.

Maybe the hysterical cries are a clue. Or perhaps the frantic flailing and snorting are other indicators of my displeasure. But yet, tummy time continues. Sometimes I get so upset that I spit up right there on the mat and end up rubbing my face all in it. I much prefer my spit up to run backwards down my neck.

So what is the point of tummy time -- or as mom sometimes refers to it, "torture time"? Since the "Back to Sleep" campaign of the mid-nineties, an entire generation of babies like me have only learned to chill when lying face up. Personally, I'm quite content to remain on my back. I've got a nice comfy flat spot worked up on the back of my head and everything. Last I checked, there are no flat spots on my belly or my face.

Everything is designed for me to be on my back. I lie face up in my crib. My little chairs and bouncy seats are all designed to cradle my bum. And then, of course, there's my car seat. The car seat so perfectly snuggles me on my back during car rides -- maybe that's why I love car rides so much.

Instead, there I am, several times per day, face down, arms flapping, lungs wailing and mom and dad just looking on. Mom will share words of encouragement. The only words I want to hear are, "Okay, tummy time is over!" Meanwhile, dad is taking pictures and making fun of me. Gosh, maybe someday I'll just roll myself onto my back. Then I can put an end to "torture time" forever!



At 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell mom and dad not to worry about the flat spot on your head. When babies slept on their tummy back in the "old days" they got flat spots on the sides of their head. Once you learn to roll over, it will go away. If this were a real problem you would see a lot of kids with funny heads, and you don't. Just pull your dad's tongue harder next time.


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