DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Tongue Twisting

posted by Evan Jake at 7:44 PM

Mom and dad are always up in my grill making goofy faces at me. Usually they'll stick their tongues out, hoping I'll imitate them. I'm perfectly capable of sticking my tongue out whenever I want -- I'm doing it right now -- but I'm not going to do it on command. What am I, a dog? If I do my tricks, will I get a treat like a clean pacifier or a trip to Wegmans?

I've learned that if I don't stick my tongue out right away, mom and dad will keep making these ridiculous faces until I do. It's pretty funny and sad at the same time, really. They're trying so hard to entertain me. (Really, all it takes is a car ride, because I love car rides.)

Last night, while dad had his tongue out, I decided, instead of copying him, it might be more fun just to reach out and grab it. So while dad was wagging his tongue at me, I stretched out my little hand and whacked it. Dad was pretty shocked since I'm just learning how to use these hand thingies. Dad was so surprised, he just froze there with his tongue out. And I kept on whacking it. It was all wet and slimy, but actually I thought it was pretty cool. Dad thought it was really funny, too. Unfortunately for him my hands taste like sour milk. And they smell pretty bad, too, if I haven't had a bath.

So maybe the next time mom or dad stick their tongue out at me, they'll at least wash my hands off first!



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