DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, February 16, 2006

No More Shots

posted by Evan Jake at 4:31 PM

Along with turning two months old this week, I had my checkup with the doctor. It was not fun.

First, we went back into a little room and mom stripped off all my clothes - except for my diaper, which smelled pretty bad anyway. Some strange lady took me away and put me on this cold scale to get weighed. It turns out that I am gaining weight, and its not just the camera that makes me look chubby. It's the fat, too.

Then we went back into the tiny room and we waited and waited for a long time. The doctor was really late. I was getting cold without my clothes and it was way past my naptime. So like 45 minutes later, the doctor finally came in. She said the traffic was really bad and it took her an extra half hour in the car. I wouldn't be complaining about extra time in the car, I love car rides!

She checked me over and ran through my chronic list of benign conditions with mom and dad. I couldn't really hear her because I was crying so much. When the doctor left, the strange lady came back in and gave me some shots. I was already pretty tired and cranky, so the shots just made me scream louder. Then I got packed up and we went home.

Once we got home, I started feeling really lousy. Mom said I had a fever. I don't know how she knew that, but I kept feeling something cold go up my tushy. She said the fever was probably from the shots. I thought the shots were supposed to prevent me from getting sick. I was feeling just fine before the shots.

To make me feel better, mom gave me some medicine. She said I'd like it because it tastes like grapes. I don't know what grapes taste like. But if she's going to squirt it into my mouth, does it matter what it tastes like? I don't seem to have much say. But by the third or fourth time I got the medicine I started to like it. Even with the medicine, I'd really rather not get any more shots. In fact, I would rather watch more of that ice dancing instead!



At 2:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Keep it up kid.

Pretty soon you will be like your father!

Don't worry about what is being said, when he gets to the home, you can always write about him and his diapers!


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