DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, January 28, 2006

All About the Mall

posted by Evan Jake at 9:33 PM

Wow, what a big day.

First, the weather was beautiful so I got to go for another long walk around the neighborhood. Mom and dad were again pushing me up and down all those hills when they could just drive me. But later I did get to go on a car ride -- I love car rides -- to the mall!

I got pushed all around the mall into all these over-priced stores. Being in my stroller, we couldn't go up and down the steps or the moving stairs (man, those look like fun). Instead we had to take the elevator. I couldn't believe all the people that were trying to squeeze into this tiny elevator when the stairs are right there! Yes, there were other babies in strollers -- strollers that looked cooler than mine -- and people in chairs with wheels. But then there were all these perfectly normal looking people with two good legs trying to cram me out of the elevator. If anything, these people looked like they could benefit from a couple trips up and down the stairs. I'm allowed to be chubby because I'm a baby. But what's their excuse?

Anyway, once we got out of the elevator, mom had several gift cards to spend. So I got a new soft blanket and some more clothes. They looked so clean and fresh, I can't wait to spit up on them. Mom also went and got a new pair of jeans. It seems that having to feed me constantly and bounce me for hours at a time has made her grow out of all her clothes. While my clothes are getting too tight, hers are getting too loose!!

Then, suddenly I got a big surprise. There, walking down the mall were my bubbie and pop-pop!! Funny running into them, since they don't live close by. It was almost like it was planned! While mom and dad shopped some more, pop-pop pushed me around the mall. He showed me a shiny new Lexus he wanted. When I saw that car parked in the middle of the mall, I wondered why dad couldn't get a parking space that good. Dad spent half an hour roaming the parking garage cursing and looking for the perfect space.

As I was saying, my pop-pop drove me around a lot. He did a really good job. While he and I were hanging out, I can only imagine how lonely mom and dad were without me. But soon we all met up again and went back to the house. Everyone ate dinner together, except for me. Even though I'd had my own dinner a few minutes earlier, I was jealous. So I cried the whole time they were trying to eat.

For good measure I kept crying for the next two hours until bubbie and pop-pop finally left. But I like my bubbie and pop-pop and I didn't want mom and dad to think that I was crying because of them. So I kept crying even more just on principle. Phew. All that crying. What a workout. It made me so tired, all I could do was cry! Now all I want to do it sleep. If only I weren't so tired...



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