DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The "C" Word

posted by Evan Jake at 8:33 PM

Yes, it's that dirty word. The "C" word.


What is it? Excessive, unexplainable, unsoothable crying.

What causes it? Nobody knows.

What cures it? Nothing.

Do I have colic? I don't really care what you call it.

Yes, the last couple of weeks, I've been very fussy. And the last couple days have been particularly bad. I cried and screamed so much last night, I didn't even have time to update my blog!

Starting around 8pm last night I just started wailing. I cried and cried until 10pm. Then until midnight. Mom and dad got so frustrated they took my on a car ride. I love car rides! I slept the whole time. But as soon as I got home, I was up and crying again. Finally around 1:30 in the morning I felt I'd had enough and took a short nap. Now I keep hearing mom and dad use the "c" word when they talk about me.

Mom did some research, talked to my doctor and read many, many baby bulletin boards. She thinks maybe I have an allergy to milk. Can you believe that? A baby allergic to milk? I love milk! Milk's my favorite!! But I guess it's only cow's milk. And only when mom drinks it. It doesn't make any sense to me, but whatever. I'm open to anything if it makes me stop crying.

Personally, I think the internet is a dangerous place for inexperienced first-time parents. Every time something seems to bother me, the first thing they do is run to the computer. All they do is worry about my positional plagiocephaly, capillary hemangioma or my noncommunicating hydrocele. Of course these are all benign and normal newborn conditions. But all they can do is sweat over them. (Although one does start to wonder just how many benign conditions it takes to make up one that's harmful.)

The good news is that I'm really getting to practice crying. I've got a really good shriek going. It hits ear-piercing decibels. Sometimes, my crying gets so loud, it hurts my ears and makes me cry even more. Then mom starts to cry. And dad, too. Their crying only makes me cry even louder. The louder I cry, the more it hurts my ears, the louder I cry...well you get the point. It's like a vicious cycle.

They say colic is at its worst at six weeks of age. So I've got one more week to go. I don't know how I can get much worse than this, but I guess I'll have to give it a try.

Okay, here I go, hold your ears...



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