DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

He's Just a Working Stiff

posted by Evan Jake at 8:45 PM

I somehow came to believe that I had been born into a family of privilege, wealth and power. This seems not to be the case. Not even close.

This morning dad got up earlier than usual. And by earlier, I mean 8 am instead of his usual noontime. He then put on these fancy pants and a nice shirt. I hadn't seen dad dressed quite this nice before -- except for maybe my bris. I was so tempted to pee or puke on dad's nice clothes, but he was in such a rush, I hardly had the opportunity!

Rushing around, he picked up some papers under his arm, kissed both me and mom on the forehead and left.

Mom said, "Dad's gone to work now. It's just you and me kid for the rest of the day."

What's this about work? Dad has a job? Since I got home almost three weeks ago, I hadn't seen him do a lick of work except make a cold meal for mom, vacuum the living room at 3 am during one of my cyring fits and drive me to the doctor (I love car rides). Apparently dad has to work at this job to keep earning money. Something about a mortgage and my college tuition. He's already saving for my college? That job must not pay very much.

So instead I got to spend all day with mom. I like her so much more anyway. I know mom and I would have a great time. We listened to some music. Not that boring classical stuff like dad plays. No, we listened to alternative rock instead. I'm not sure I know what regular rock is, so I don't see what makes this alternative. But I liked it anyway.

Then I had a snack with mom and took a nap.

When I woke up, we watched some TV. Mom had on HGTV. She watched some redecorating shows. I noticed that some of the homes they were decorating had stairs -- on the inside. Our home doesn't have any stairs. It also doesn't look as nice as those homes on TV. Those homes had a lot of rooms. Stainless steel kitchens. Flat-screen TVs. And there weren't baby toys and dirty diapers scattered everywhere. I'm starting to think maybe my home isn't as nice as some. I think I got totally gypped here.

But then I got sleepy and took another nap.

Not too long after I woke up, dad came home. He said he only wanted to work a half day so that he could come home and see me. That's nice, dad. But maybe you should work a little harder and get us a nice house. One with stairs.



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