Who's Cal Ripken, Jr.?
posted by Evan Jake at 4:56 PM

Today, I got to go on a car ride with mom and dad to the doctor. I don't really like the doctor, but I love car rides, so it almost makes up for it.
Walking into the medical office building, we saw this tall bald guy in a really nice coat. Dad said, "Look, it's Cal Ripken, Jr!" Mom didn't believe him at first. But then she noticed how much taller and muscular he was than dad and said, "Oh, yeah. Look how much taller and muscular he is than dad. I guess that really is Cal Ripken, Jr."
So apparently this guy is some famous baseball player. I don't know why they call him "junior." He looked pretty big to me. But he didn't have much hair. I'm only two weeks old and I have more hair than him!
I was hoping dad would stop him and introduce me. I'm so cute, Cal would surely have loved to meet me. But dad was too chicken. Dad said he's met him a couple times before and didn't want to bother him because he looked like he was in a rush. He was probably rushing away from dad. Dad said it wasn't a surprise to see him in this area since he lives just around the corner from there. I'm sure my dad knows that because Cal has had him over to his house many times for milk and cookies.
After Cal rushed ahead of us, dad started going on and on about the Orioles and how bad they are. And how Cal broke a record for consecutive games played by some guy named Gehrig. And how it's a silly record, like getting an award for perfect attendance in school. Whatever, dad. I think you were just too chicken to say hello to him.
I'm sure some day, when I'm old enough, dad will lie to me and tell me about how I met Cal Ripken, Jr. when I was two weeks old and how Cal gave me a kiss on the cheek, said how cute I was and then taught me about the infield fly rule. Then dad will say it's a shame I was too young to remebmer any of this.
But the real truth is, the only thing I won't remember about today is getting stripped down naked on a paper sheet by a stranger with cold hands and getting stuck in my foot by a really sharp needle. Thanks, dad.

Today, I got to go on a car ride with mom and dad to the doctor. I don't really like the doctor, but I love car rides, so it almost makes up for it.
Walking into the medical office building, we saw this tall bald guy in a really nice coat. Dad said, "Look, it's Cal Ripken, Jr!" Mom didn't believe him at first. But then she noticed how much taller and muscular he was than dad and said, "Oh, yeah. Look how much taller and muscular he is than dad. I guess that really is Cal Ripken, Jr."
So apparently this guy is some famous baseball player. I don't know why they call him "junior." He looked pretty big to me. But he didn't have much hair. I'm only two weeks old and I have more hair than him!
I was hoping dad would stop him and introduce me. I'm so cute, Cal would surely have loved to meet me. But dad was too chicken. Dad said he's met him a couple times before and didn't want to bother him because he looked like he was in a rush. He was probably rushing away from dad. Dad said it wasn't a surprise to see him in this area since he lives just around the corner from there. I'm sure my dad knows that because Cal has had him over to his house many times for milk and cookies.
After Cal rushed ahead of us, dad started going on and on about the Orioles and how bad they are. And how Cal broke a record for consecutive games played by some guy named Gehrig. And how it's a silly record, like getting an award for perfect attendance in school. Whatever, dad. I think you were just too chicken to say hello to him.
I'm sure some day, when I'm old enough, dad will lie to me and tell me about how I met Cal Ripken, Jr. when I was two weeks old and how Cal gave me a kiss on the cheek, said how cute I was and then taught me about the infield fly rule. Then dad will say it's a shame I was too young to remebmer any of this.
But the real truth is, the only thing I won't remember about today is getting stripped down naked on a paper sheet by a stranger with cold hands and getting stuck in my foot by a really sharp needle. Thanks, dad.
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