DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I'm Losing My Hair!

posted by Evan Jake at 11:39 PM

Telogen effluvium? Alopecia areata? Call it what you will. I'm going bald!

My acne has finally cleared up. My cradle cap is going away. But now I'm losing my hair. It's one insult after another.

I was born with some beautiful dark locks. My hair was so long in the back, it hung over my collar. Mom and dad have been calling it my baby mullet. So what's a mullet? I also heard from mom and dad that they were even able to see my hair on one of those ultrasound pictures before I was born.

Okay, let me just take this opportunity to say that while those ultrasound sessions may have been a lot of fun for mom and dad, they were no picnic for me. For half an hour I was pushed, jabbed and poked by that probe-thingy. Can I say, "ow?" And after all that, you only got to see those blurry little pictures? What a waste.

Anyway, back to my hair! This is so distressing. Everyday, more and more hair drops off my cute little head. The more hair that falls out, the more I worry. The more I worry, the more hair that falls out! And of course, the more I cry!! It seems that over the next month or so, I could lose all my hair. Imagine how much I'll cry then! I can't even think about it. That would be terrible. I bet mom and dad would wind up losing their hair, too. At least we'll be even.

I'm still crying a lot. But I am learning to soothe myself with my new friend the pacifier -- or "paci" as mom and dad affectionately refer to it. Sometimes it falls out and onto the floor. But mom and dad just pick it up and stick it right back in my mouth. The other day, I saw one of our cats puke on that same floor and lick it up. So for all I know, precious "paci" is rolling around in cat mess and going right back into my mouth! Yuck! Yet when I spit up on dad, he immediately changes his clothes and washes his hands for five minutes.

I know there are a lot of theories about whether or not pacifiers are good for babies. The arguments are all interesting and valid. I'd be interested to hear more about them. But at this moment, I'd appreciate it if you please shut it and gave me back my "paci" now before I scream!!

So the one thing about the hair loss I do appreciate is that the first hair to go were the weird patches on my forehead, shoulders and back. It seemed to be an odd place for a baby to have hair anyway. People were always commenting on it. "Oh, look at the cute little fuzz on his shoulders!" Translation: "Ooh, your baby has weird hair on his shoulders?!" Hopefully it won't be until I'm walking on a beach 30 to 40 years from now that I hear remarks about my back hair again!



At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry kid. More hair will grow back, probably blonde curls. You won't have to go to barber for quite a while either.


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