DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Monday, January 23, 2006

Diaper Bulk

posted by Evan Jake at 8:02 PM

Yesterday, mom and dad took me on another long walk. But first we went for a car ride. Wow, I love car rides. After we got out of the car, mom and dad didn't put me in my usual stroller. No, instead I got plopped down on a large cart with four small wheels. The ride wasn't nearly as smooth as my stroller. One of the wheels barely touched the ground, just spinning around in random directions. The whole cart jiggled a lot. But to tell you the truth, I actually liked it!

At first, I didn't know why mom and dad needed this big cart. My diaper bag isn't that heavy, surely they can just carry it. From the car, mom and dad wheeled me into this really big building with lots of people and lots and lots of stuff! Mom and dad said it was a store. But it looked more like a warehouse to me.

Mom and dad pushed me up and down all these aisles taking things off the shelves and putting them into my cart. They got large bottles of soap, juice and kitty litter. They also got this huge jar of peanut butter that was bigger than me!

Then they went down an aisle with all these baby things. I've never seen so many diapers and wipes. It was amazing. All the boxes had pictures of babies on them, but none of them were nearly as cute as me! Dad picked out an enormous box of diapers. "Wow, look how many diapers are in this box," dad said in amazement. "Evan Jake, you could poop 15 times a day until you're 20 years old and never run out of diapers!" Well, at the rate I'm going, that is a possibility. It's comforting to know I'm covered just in case.

While mom and dad were picking out all these bulk-sized items, I wanted to remind them that our house isn't that big. I know where all this stuff is going to wind up getting piled: next to my crib -- even the kitty litter.

When mom and dad were finished walking up and down all the aisles, they took everything out of the cart and placed it on this cool moving table. It looked like fun and I wished I had gotten to go for a ride on it. They could've just slid me right down!

Now, what I didn't understand was, everything that was taken out of the cart, moved down the belt and was placed back into my cart at the end. This seemed like a real waste of time. I wish we could have just skipped that step (but still give me a ride on the moving table, of course).

We went back out to the car, loaded it up with the giant packages of diapers and peanut butter and drove away. It was good to be in the car again. While the cart was fun, I still love car rides the best.

When we got home, I was really glad to be back. I had fun at the big store, but I was really tired. Once mom and dad finally got me and all the things they got inside, I took a long-needed nap in my crib. I guess I better get used to the big boxes of diapers and kitty litter in my room. It's going to be a long time before all that gets used up! I just hope the diapers don't run out before the kitty litter, if you know what I mean.



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