DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Two Months!

posted by Evan Jake at 8:34 PM

Today's a big day. I'm two months old!! I can't believe it's been two whole months since I got born. It feels like a lifetime.

In addition to my two-month birthday, mom said that today is also Valentine's Day. But mom said that I wouldn't notice Valentine's Day since dad never does anything special. Mom told dad that she didn't have time to go out and get him a gift because she's too busy taking care of me. I wonder what dad's excuse was.

Instead of a romantic dinner out (or even a spontaneous trip to Wegmans), mom and dad stayed home with me and watched men in fancy costumes dance on TV. The men would dance around on ice skates, then cry when they're finished. Meanwhile, some guy would babble away, talking about all the things the dancers were doing wrong -- like it's so easy. The whole thing was pretty terrible to watch. But my hands are still too small to grab the remote. I wonder what dad's excuse was.

Tomorrow I have to go to the doctor again. I get to go in the car and that's where the fun stops. I love car rides, but I hate the doctor. I have to get some shots, too. I wasn't supposed to know about them, but I overheard mom and dad talking. Sometimes they seem to forget that when I'm sitting in their laps I can hear everything they're saying.

Anyway, I'm very nervous about the shots. They make me cry. And apparently I'm not the only one who doesn't like shots. I heard that some man got a shot from the vice president, and it was so bad it was on all the news channels all day long. So that makes me even more nervous. Then again, I'd rather get shots than watch any more of that ice dancing!



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