DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Snow Angel

posted by Evan Jake at 9:49 AM

Mom and dad have been watching all of this news about a big storm. Apparently there is a lot of snow outside. And when snow comes people get to take off work. But mom doesn't work right now. And dad doesn't show up for work a lot of the time anyway. So I don't really see how this impacts me.

We needed some groceries yesterday, but dad refused to go to the store. He said everyone would be there buying milk and toilet paper. Luckily I have my own private milk supply. And I use diapers, not toilet paper. So I think I'm covered. But I bet if dad went to Wegmans, he woulnd't have to wait in any lines at all!

I guess the roads are pretty bad right now and that means no car rides for me today. Too bad, because I love car rides. Although, looking out the window, dad and I saw this really big truck with a shovel on the front going up and down our street. Dad said the truck should've been here twelve hours ago and that's why he pays his taxes. On dad's salary, his taxes can't be very much, which is maybe why it took them so long to get here. Besides, If dad wanted to go out so bad, I don't know why he didn't just go outside and shovel the street himself!



At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dad never liked to shovel snow. He's just glad he lives in a place where snow removal is done for him.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evan, I just discovered your blog and now I check it every day to see what's up with you since we apparently aren't ever going to get over there to see you in person!! I wondered if you were going to get out to see the snow...your Uncle C and Cousin C were both out there shovelling their butts off but OlllldAuntPiglet stayed in where it was warm! LOVE~


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