DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Take It to the Piggy Bank

posted by Evan Jake at 8:44 PM

When I woke up from my nap last night, there was a woman in our living room. Mom took me out of my crib to meet her. She was very nice and said how cute I was over and over. (Well, I am really cute, what do you expect?!)

It turns out this woman is mom and dad's financial advisor. She came to the house so mom and dad wouldn't have to take me to her office, which is too bad because I love car rides. So this financial advisor was there to talk to mom and dad about money. Since mom and dad don't have any money, it was probably a really short conversation. Then again, she wasn't there to talk about how much money mom and dad don't have today, but how much money they won't have 18 years from now. Turns out I'm going to cost a lot of money what with the cost of day care and all. Wait...day care?! What the heck is that?!!!

Anyway, this lady is going to help mom and dad set up all these special accounts for me. One to save for college, another for my piggy bank money and another for investments. I guess setting up the accounts is easy. Having money to put in them seems to be the tricky part.

I think this is probably a great racket. When I get money in my own accounts, it's mine! Mom and dad won't waste it on things for themselves, like shoes and camera equipment. Meanwhile, as I amass my own little fortune, I can continue to siphon money out of their accounts with a little smile and a wink. It's amazing how far the charm of a first born child will go!

If I really play my cards right, maybe I'll get to retire before mom or dad do!



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