DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Thank You, Come Again

posted by Evan Jake at 7:18 PM

I had some fun visitors today. My aunt and uncle came for a visit. My uncle looks a lot like dad so I was a bit confused at first. But then he tried to pick me up and I knew right away it wasn't dad. Dad is clueless when it comes to handling me, but my uncle is really a rookie. Whoa!

Turns out my dad and uncle are brothers. That must be weird having a brother. I'm an only child and I'm the center of attention all the time.

I hadn't seen my uncle since that day the mohel came over. So it had been a while. And since I don't remember much from that day, it was good to see him again. I was keeping an eye out for that mohel guy though, just in case.

My aunt is a fun lady who made me smile a lot. She would talk in a high-pitched voice and I would give her a grin. If my uncle made an attempt to pick me up, I'd start to cry. Not because I don't like him, I just wanted to mess with him. Plus, if my crying makes him freaked out about babies, maybe I won't have to compete for attention with cousins any time soon.

My aunt and uncle also brought me a cool teddy bear dressed like a baseball player. I was glad to see I'm not the only one that gets dressed up in silly outfits. The bear didn't look too happy about it either. I really like the bear, but I think it was just a bribe from my aunt and uncle to get me to write about them on my blog. Mission accomplished, I guess.

It had been two months since my aunt and uncle had last seen me, so they noticed how much I'd changed. They kept pointing out how much fatter I'd gotten and how my hair has fallen out. It was like I was at a high school reunion. I thought I was the cutest baby ever, but I guess I've been letting myself go.

My aunt and uncle stayed for dinner and then made sure they found a good excuse to leave before my evening fussy time. They don't know what they're missing -- or maybe they do which is why they don't have any babies yet. It sounds like we might go visit them at their house sometime. Except they live two hours away. I've never been on a car ride that far. But given how I love car rides, I can't wait!



At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Little Evan,
I'm so very glad you got to see your Aunt and Uncle again. Family is the one thing that will sustain you throughout your whole life. Your Bubbe and Pop-Pop are in your life and you can count on them for sure. Now your Aunt and Uncle have visited again and are getting to know you. Every family member you meet will add a different dimention to your life that will make you more aware of who you are and who you can become. I say these things because I am one of your family who has not met you as yet....but will very soon. Please thank your Dad, who has been supplying great photos for your blog, especially the bathtime one, and tell him we appreciate the email today of a wonderful photo of you smiling a great big smile. Tell him it would be so nice to show everyone who follows your blog what a beautiful smile you have. Anyway, we will be visiting you soon and hope to get a big smile of our own.
Much Love, Nana and Papa


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