DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Monday, March 06, 2006


posted by Evan Jake at 9:19 AM

While Hollywood's paparazzi were getting their pictures of fancy gowns on the red carpet, my own private "pooparazzo" has been fiendishly snapping pictures, trying to capture that elusive smile of mine.

I smile all the time now, but in the hundreds of pictures dad has taken of me, he'd been unsuccessful in catching a single one -- until now.

As of last night, this photo was spreading rapidly over the Internet (dad e-mailed it to at least 20 people already) and word was it wound up in the hands of thesmokinggun.com. This photo is clearly an invasion of my privacy. Had I been aware I was being photographed, I certainly would not been smiling this much.

It is my belief that this photo was taken surreptitiously by a point-and-shoot camera just feet away from me in my living room. At the time the photo was taken, I had a reasonable expectation of privacy in my own home. That privacy was shattered and violated when this pooparazzo took illegal photographs of me with the intent to distribute them to various print publications and other media for commercial gain. My team of lawyers suggested I seek a legal injection, but I just had my shots and I don't like them.

Rather than deal with all the messy courtroom battles and public humiliation, I thought I would go ahead and just post this photo right here on my blog for all my fans to see! Enjoy, but don't expect to see more photos like this any time soon!!

(If you're wondering what all the smiling was about, you can probably assume it had something to do with a car ride. I love car rides!)



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