DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Karamu, Fiesta, Forever

posted by Evan Jake at 11:44 PM

...All night long... I'm finally getting some sleep at night. But am I sleeping through the night yet?

Here's a picture of me looking happy and well rested (and unbelievably cute, as always). I love taking naps during the day -- I'll take as many as six. I know it seems like a lot, but compared to those lazy cats I see lounging around the house all the time, six naps is small potatoes!

I'll take a nice long nap in the morning, several throughout the afternoon and a nice long one in the evening. I especially like napping in the car, which would be the biggest reason I love car rides. All of my naps are usually preceded by several minutes of screaming and hysteria. This is just to remind mom that even though I'm about to go to sleep, she better not forget who's in charge.

In addition to my napping, I'm starting to get more and more sleep at night, too. I'm sure mom gets lonely when I don't see her for several hours, but I just need the rest too badly. I get worried that she might not be able to fall asleep.

A few times in the last week I've slept not just three or four hours, but seven hours in a row! Oh, it feels so good to sleep like that. It's been at least three months since I've been able to sleep that well. Even with all that sleeping, mom and dad still haven't given me credit for sleeping through the night yet.

"Sleeping through the night" is a milestone that all us babies shoot for from the moment we're born. Dad says I need to sleep for eight hours straight for it to technically count as "sleeping through the night." Mom says she'd like to see me aim for fourteen hours a night, and nothing less. I'd love to sleep fourteen hours straight. But my peaceful sleep is usually interrupted by a wet diaper, hunger or gasiness (dad's, not mine).

Everyone seems to stay up pretty late in this house (except for the cats who are always sleeping). I, myself, don't usually get to sleep until almost midnight. Which is fine, because then I get to stay up and watch The Daily Show with dad.

Well [yawn], I'm getting a bit sleepy now. I think I'll go climb into crib and see how things go. Here's hoping for a good eight hours!



At 11:42 PM, Blogger ~SugarBear~ said...

You'll start sleeping 14 hours a day when you hit your teens and Dad & Mom want you to get up early and mow the lawn, clean the garage & change the litter box. ;)

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evan, your uncle Jason was a champion sleeper (actually, your Dad wasn't bad either), so call him for advice on how to catch z's. Pop-Pop

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evan, your Bubbe and Zayde went to
Wegman's tonight (we love Wegman's). We were going to go to a brand new one in New Jersey, but it wasn't going to open until tomorrow morning. We were so disappointed we almost cried. We went to the one in Princeton, instead. It is almost as far away as
Baltimore. But we love Wegman's. When you come to visit us, we can take you to the wonderful new one in New Jersey.


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