DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hi, Nana and Papa!

posted by Evan Jake at 8:38 PM

Today I got to meet my nana and papa. I've now met four different grandparents. I wonder how many more there are!

Nana and papa like reading my blog, but they asked me not to mention about them. Well, I'm not going to write about politics, American Idol or Dungeons and Dragons. So if I get some visitors, they're going in the blog!

I don't know why my nana and papa are so worried about getting a shout-out in the diaperlogue. It seems every time they'd pick me up or say something to me they'd fret, "Boy, I hope this doesn't wind up on your blog, little Evan!" If only they knew this just encourages me even more!

Nana and papa came bearing gifts, of course. It was a cool play mat that amused me for quite a while -- more than five whole minutes! Please note: Gifts from visitors are greatly appreciated. I'm happy to accept clothes, toys, books, plush animals, US savings bonds, stock certificates, foreign currency, oil futures, gold or silver bullion and, of course, cold hard cash.

It was really nice to meet my nana and papa. When nana saw me, without even realizing it the first thing she said was, "Look how cute!" Why should she be surprised. I am adorable!! After mom was done changing my diaper, Nana helped dress me. I don't like getting my clothes put on. I usually cry a lot during dressing time, so she shouldn't take it personally. Lucky for her, I didn't cry nearly as loud as I usually do. A couple days ago, when dad was dressing me, I let out a shriek so loud he thought he had broken me. I was just fine, of course. But it's fun to scream! MAAAAAAAAAAH!

I was having so much fun with nana and papa that I needed a nap. I got really tired and mom put me down to sleep for a bit. But not too long after I fell asleep, I got woken up. I guess nana and papa wanted to spend more time with me. They should know better than to wake a sleeping baby. Man, was I cranky. I would have loved to spend more happy time with them, but I just felt like fussing and screaming.

Eventually, after enough squirming and general crankiness, nana and papa made a convenient excuse to escape and mom took me back for a nap. It was nice meeting them and I look forward to seeing them again soon. They say they might get a house closer to us. Right now their house is like six hours by car. I love car rides, but that sounds pretty far. I know dad doesn't like driving that far alone, let alone having to tote me around the whole time. So I wouldn't mind nana and papa living a little bit closer so we can visit more!



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