DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Easiest Baby on the Block

posted by Evan Jake at 3:10 PM

I'm just feeling so well rested today. Last night I slept for nearly 18 hours straight. I got up and played in my swing quietly for almost an hour, then did tummy time by myself (I love tummy time) before going peacefully down for a nice long nap -- all on my own.

The weather's gotten so nice, mom and dad took me out for a walk. I really prefer walking to the car -- I hate car rides. When I say I went for a walk, I mean I really went for a walk. One foot in front of the other. It was a lot of fun. Forget that whole rolling over thing!

I also decided this morning, rather than messing my diaper, I might try using the pot all on my own. What a pleasure it was not to be peeing my pants. No more diapers for me. Now whenever I need to make, I just walk myself right into the bathroom!

For dinner, I'm hoping to join mom and dad for a burger and fries. I'm tired of the modified Atkins all-milk, all-the-time diet. After my nice big meal, I guess I'll go back into bed, go right to sleep and not wake up again the entire night.

I figure mom and dad deserve some time to themselves because they've been doing such a good job with me. I don't think two people have ever been more ready to take such wonderful care of an easy baby like me!



At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, aren't you supposed to end the post with, "April Fools"?

At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fear that either you, Dear Evan, are hallucinating or your ghost writer is fantasizing. Either way, it WILL all come to pass someday for you. In the not-too-distant future you will look back fondly on these days - OK, maybe just your mom and dad will. By the way, you will be glad to know that we have found a home much closer to you, so before long we can visit and take care of you so your weary parents can get the break they so desperately deserve. Desperately!

Love, Nana & Papa


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