DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Baby Knows Best

posted by Evan Jake at 3:51 PM

Well, I called it. At the end of my last post I predicted that dad's softball career would be short-lived. After only three innings, he was on the ground and heading for the "daddy DL."

While cruising for a flyball, dad stepped in a hole and turned his ankle over. I don't see what's so bad about that, since my ankles already turn inwards. But I guess it was pretty painful for old dad. So mom and I got in the car -- I love car rides -- and took dad to the emergency room. I guess mom is used to taking dad to the emergency room. Apparently, it happens on a regular basis. I was just glad that for once I wasn't the one being taken to the doctor. No shots for me!

When dad got to the hospital, they gave him a special chair with big wheels. Then they rolled him back into a special room where they took pictures of his bones. They never did make him take his clothes off and lie naked on a paper sheet. They didn't give him any shots either. I guess only us babies get that kind of shabby treatment.

The doctor said his ankle was very swollen, but it wasn't broken and that he was just being a big wuss. Basically, dad went to the emergency room for a sore foot. I thought mom and dad were only neurotic about rushing me to the doctor.

The doctor wrapped up dad's leg and gave him some sticks to walk with. He said dad needs to relax and keep his feet up. Like he needs a doctor tell him to sit around and be lazy. Dad can do that just fine on his own. With a baseball game on ESPN tonight, I'm sure this puts a real crimp in dad's plans. He'll probably use this as an excuse not to take care of me.

Now that dad has his hurt foot, mom has two babies to take of. Dad keeps bossing her around and asking her to get stuff for him. He's more helpless than me! If he can't walk, maybe he'd like some of my diapers so we won't have to get up to go to the bathroom either!



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