DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Daddy Time

posted by Evan Jake at 11:34 PM

Today, dad came home from work a little early. That's nothing out of the ordinary, as I don't think he really works all that much. But then mom got all dressed up. She put on really nice clothes. I wanted to spit up on them! Then she smeared this colored stuff all over eyes, lips and cheeks. I'd never seen her do that in my four short months! She looked and smelled very pretty.

I knew that today mom was going to meet some people about a job. That's why I cried all night and kept her up -- so she would be good and exhausted for her meeting. Mom is actually a teacher and she's hoping to go back to work in a few months. I don't really understand this. If she's working, and dad's working (most of the time), what happens to me? Aren't I work enough already? If I'm not keeping you busy, I'll do more. No problem. Just don't leave me all alone!

After dad dropped mom off at her meeting, he took me on another car ride (he knows I love car rides). I don't think dad and I had been out on the road before without mom. Mom and I go out alone all the time. But when dad takes me out, mom has always been there, too.

So dad and I stopped at some greasy fast food place. I just laughed as I watched dad try to carry me in one arm and his food tray in the other. It was obvious he'd never done this before. He didn't know what to do. I was waiting for either me or his meal to wind up on the floor. Looking at that disgusting floor, it was certainly not somewhere I'd want to end up.

Dad then put me in my stroller and we walked around a shopping area. Dad and I saw all these other babies getting pushed around by their moms. None of them were with their dads. I think dad felt a little out of place. But he did an okay job. I tried not to fuss -- until mom called. As soon as dad's cell phone rang and he started talking to mom, I started crying. She thought I'd been crying the entire time and that dad was doing a terrible job (even though really he wasn't). So he rushed right back to pick up mom. When we saw her, I think he was happier to see her than I was!



At 11:04 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Way to go Dad! Oh, and your boy is so cute I want to reach through the computer and squeeze those cheeks :)


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