DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, April 13, 2006

That Would Have Been Enough!

posted by Evan Jake at 5:54 PM

Last night a bunch of people came over to our house for a holiday called Passover. Dad explained to me that on Passover we have a seder, retelling the story of Exodus as quickly as we can before eating a big meal. Apparently Passover celebrates how the first-born children were spared. I can dig that.

So when the Jews went out of Egypt, they had to wander in the desert for forty years. I guess that's because they didn't have cars. That's too bad for the babies back then, because I love car rides.

Before the seder, everyone sat around and talked about how cute I am. The conversation also seemed to center a lot around my diapers and what's in them. I don't know why everyone is so curious. Is nothing off limits? I decided to take a nap during the seder. I figured I should take advantage of that excuse while I still have the chance.

As soon as I heard the seder finish, I cried so mom would come get me. In the dining room, everyone had big plates of food while I was only given a couple toys to chew on. I was a little jealous. But then I spotted some of that gefilte fish and matzoh. Slimy grey meat and dry crackers? This is what I have to look forward to? Yeck! I'll stick with my all-milk diet, thank you.



At 4:54 PM, Blogger Josh said...

So, Evan -- ready for the 4 questions next year? (From the guy whose been saying them at seders for, oh, 22 years now.)


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