DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, April 15, 2006

What, Me Sephardic?

posted by Evan Jake at 10:36 AM

Yesterday was the big four...months that is. We didn't do anything special to celebrate my four-month birthday, except go on a car ride. I love car rides, so that was party enough for me.

But this morning, mom and dad decided to try celebrating in a different way. You see, yesterday while we were out, dad stopped to get a bite to eat. As I sat there next to him, I must have been staring at him while he ate. Apparently with every bite he took, I was making chewing motions and drooling. Drooling is pretty much par for the course, but the chewing must have signaled to mom and dad that I was curious about eating. So they decided it might be a good time to get me off that all-milk diet I've been on.

This morning after my regular meal, mom put me in my high chair, put a bib around my neck and started coming at me with a spoon. She had a little bowl of rice cereal made up just for me. I didn't think rice was kosher for Passover, but dad said Sephardics allow rice so it's okay. Hey, dad, judging by your lunch yesterday, they must allow pizza, too?

Anyway, the first spoonful was kind of weird. Mom just shoved it in there. It was kind of interesting. I just held my mouth open with the food inside. It felt odd on my tongue, so I spit it out. Mom tried a second spoonful. Again, I ended up spitting it out. But mom was persistent. By the fifth or sixth spoonful (which was probably the same recycled cereal as the several before it) I finally tried swallowing. And you know what? It wasn't half bad. I actually started to like it. After a couple more mouthfuls of food, I was positively giddy! I even finished the whole bowl. In fact, since I had spit so much of it back out, I probably ate the whole bowl twice!

Okay, enough of this rice cereal. Time for some real food. But please spare me the gefilte fish. Bring on the Baskin-Robbins! Rocky Road, please.



At 12:57 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Hi! Just stumbled across your blog, very cute. And what a cute baby! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Zaide,
Evan, great news on starting with real food. Just don't fall for "the airplane is coming... open the hangar door." That means it is something you don't like. If you like it you'll open up, right? Remember too, watch out if it green.


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