DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Baby Houdini?

posted by Evan Jake at 8:49 PM

I may not be able to do card tricks or levitate, but I can escape almost any blanket, sleeper or onesie you put me in!

This morning mom came into my room to find me completely naked in my crib -- all but my diaper, of course! I had managed to wiggle my way out of my "amazing miracle blanket." I then wriggled my entire body through the neckhole of my sleeper, leaving nothing but my diaper and birthday suit.

How did I get my entire body through the neckhole of my sleeper, you wonder? A magician never reveals his secrets. (Although the neckhole that was good and wide from stretching over my 95th percentile head is a pretty good clue.) Now mom is totally freaked and doesn't know what to expect by tomorrow morning. For all she knows, I'll be in my crib holding my breath in a tank of water filled with chains. Maybe she'll check in on me more often! Or at the very least try to get me a primetime TV special.

Meanwhile, mom took me to the store today to get me a new car seat! (That's me in the picture sitting in my new car seat.) I guess we're going on a long car ride soon and mom wanted to get me a new car seat that fit me better and be more comfortable for my bum. You know what also might make my bum feel better? Not sitting in my own poo. I'm just saying.

As you can tell, I'm very excited about my new car seat. I think now I'm going to love car rides even more! Now mom and dad just have to figure how to install it without getting into a fight. Talk about a magic trick...



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