DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Why Are Yawns Contagious?

posted by Evan Jake at 6:11 PM

Mom keeps saying to dad that she's going stir crazy being home with me all day every day. What, I don't keep her busy enough? Well, guess what. Mom's not the only one who gets bored around here. There's plenty of boring to go around.

I'm not really able to do much on my own right now, which is why I require a lot of entertainment. Meals, naps, walks in the stroller and trips to Wegmans (I love car rides!) fill good chunks of my day. Sometimes I'll even just hang out on the couch. (That's me in the picture hanging out on the couch.) But the rest of the time, I need a little something more.

Mom has tried to get me to watch these "Baby Einstein" videos. I guess the name implies that they're suppose to make me smart or something. (I'm already naturally brilliant, of course, so why bother?). But there are so many previews and messages before the video starts that I usually don't make it through the opening credits. From what I have seen of those videos, they're certainly not going to make me any smarter. Tone deaf maybe. I mean, what's with that awful music they play?!

So to help with my boredom, mom took me out and bought me some new toys. She had to get permission from dad first because he thinks she spends too much money on me. Last week I heard dad say to mom something along the lines of, "Don't buy Evan Jake any more toys. Evan Jake has enough junk for me to trip on." If dad doesn't like mom spending so much money on me, maybe he should get a better job. Because I'm worth every penny. He better get used to it.

I liked the new toys mom got for me (with dad's money). They kept me occupied for a little while. But then I started getting bored again. Hey, I know what would spare some of my boredom: hanging out with dad more often. That wouldn't cost him any money. I think he likes hanging out with me, too. But I suspect that after a few minutes playing with me, because I don't do very much, he gets bored, too. I guess this boredom stuff is contagious.



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