DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Monday, June 05, 2006


posted by Evan Jake at 8:17 PM

I'm rolling, I'm rolling!

As you might remember, I've always hated tummy time. This was an activity mom and dad forced upon me. Not even the promise of a long car ride (I love car rides) could get me to enjoy tummy time. Mom and dad almost seemed to enjoy flipping me on my belly and watching me squirm. So, in an effort to take that sick thrill away from them, I've decided to start rolling onto my tummy by myself.

Yesterday, I was on the floor reaching for this toy to my right. (That's me in the picture on the floor.) As I stretched, my whole body flipped over, and there I was right on my tummy. I had reached my toy and was enjoying playing with it, so I didn't really mind. Then, in a bizarre twist, mom flipped me back the other way, cutting my tummy time short. She then moved my toy even further away. This was not very nice.

With my favorite toy now a couple more inches out of reach, I once again had to flip myself over to grab it. Mom was so excited. I was just happy to have my toy (even though it meant being on my tummy). Now, mom and dad, instead of handing me my toys, put them on the floor out of my reach. This may be amusing for them, but I don't think they realize how hard it is for me to keep rolling like that. Plus it makes me a little dizzy and I'll just spit-up on their carpet.

But the fun thing is that I'm learning to roll really good. I can go from my back to my front. And I can go from my front to my back. Hey, I wonder what would happen if I tried doing those two things one after another. I'll have to give that a try in the next couple of days. Maybe then I'll be ready to roll right on out of here and find myself a nicer place!



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