DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

posted by Evan Jake at 8:06 AM

Dear dad,

Today is Father's Day. I'd tell you to relax, watch some TV and let mom take care of me, but you seem to do that anyway.

I know we've had some rough times together. Like the first time mom left you alone with me and I refused to take a bottle. I know I got a little carried away that day. Maybe the constant screaming was bit much and I apologize for that. And then there was that nice dress shirt of yours I spit up on and ruined. I probably could have aimed in the other direction. Or the night you had an important meeting early in the morning and I felt I needed to cry all night. That probably wasn't fair.

Despite all that, you still take pretty good care of me when you feel like it -- or if mom makes you. You take me on car rides (I love car rides), push me around in my stroller and always give me my Pacie. Just stop forcing me to watch baseball games with you. They're boring and I can't understand the rules yet, as much as you try to explain them to me. Plus, your team stinks. When it comes to watching them, you cry more than me!

Well, the first six months of fatherhood have treated you just fine (despite the grey hair you found on your head). I think we've had some good times together and I think we'll start having even more fun in together the months to come. Meanwhile, keep up the mediocre work, dad!


Evan Jake



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