DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Friday, June 23, 2006

Sit, Evan Jake, Sit!

posted by Evan Jake at 7:19 PM

I've commented before on how many chairs I have. I have a high chair, a swinging chair, a rocking chair, a bouncy chair, a bumbo chair, a bath chair and a car chair -- just to name a few. But I have no need for any of them anymore. I can sit on my own! Be gone, chairs! (Well, except for my car chair. Apparently I need this for car rides and I love car rides.)

Mom and dad now plop me in the middle of the floor with my toys. That's me in the picture sitting on the floor and playing with some toys. I can sit there on my own quite contentedly. No batteries necessary. I'll occasionally flop to one side or the other. It's not because I can't keep sitting up. It's because I don't want mom or dad straying too far away. They better not get any ideas about setting me down and leaving me there!



At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Evan Jake,

Wow what a difference one week makes.
Don't worry, pretty soon you will be navigating all by yourself. Then not long after, that mom and dad will be navigating after you. Watch out world!

Bubbe & Pop-pop


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