DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Strike Up the Band

posted by Evan Jake at 6:11 PM

Today I got to go to my first ever orchestra concert! There was a free concert as part of a big arts festival downtown. I guess dad decided he would take all of us to a free concert because he's too cheap to buy us tickets.

The concert hall was filled with lots of other babies. A lot of them cried and had to be taken out by their moms and dads. Not me. I was good for the most part. Dad said I was better behaved than all the other babies there.

I kind of like orchestra music. Dad plays it for me all the time, especially on car rides (I love car rides). And hearing a live orchestra for the first time was pretty exciting.

The concert was fairly short, which is good because I was getting a little fidgety by the end. Mom was doing an Olympian job just holding me still and not letting me wriggle out of her arms.

After the concert we walked around and took in the rest of the festival. There were lots of artists and musicians all around. It was pretty crazy. And hot, too. But then it started to rain. Mom and dad got all wet, but I mostly stayed dry because of my cool stroller with a roof.

By the time we got home, I was really hungry, so mom gave me my favorite food: carrots. That's me in the picture eating carrots.

Anyway, now that dad took us to an orchestra concert, maybe someday soon mom will take us all to a rock concert. There I could cry as loud as I want and no one would care!



At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Evan,
Tell dad it's time to take you to a real baseball game. It will be OK to cry there too, because that's what all the home fans will be doing for both of your favorite teams.


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