DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Extreme Baby

posted by Evan Jake at 8:11 PM

I've become a very good sitter in the past couple weeks. Everyone who sees me playing says what a good sitter I am. If you plop me down on the floor I can just sit all by myself for a really long time. No more tipping! I must be taking after dad. He's also a good sitter. Except he usually does it on the couch, not the floor.

Even with my amazing solo-sitting skills, I continue to get more and more chairs for my collection. My favorite chair is still my car chair because I love car rides. But my new swing chair is a close second. After that fun birthday party I went to last week, mom and dad went out and bought me a new swing of my very own.

That's me in the first picture waiting for a big push. That's also me in the second picture and you can see how much I like swinging back and forth. It's a lot of fun. This chair isn't like any of the others I have already. This one is hung from above. Dad rigged the whole thing by himself with big chains and bolts. Even though I only weigh 17 pounds, dad used enough hardware to suspend and 2-ton truck.

The swing itself is just some plastic, thin ropes and a couple of straps. And it came with so many warning labels, you'd think it was a baby bungee-jumping set. If mom and dad followed all the warnings, they'd probably have me wearing a helmet and a onesie made of bubble wrap. Thankfully they're letting me live life on the edge -- okay, just a little. But I'll probably still require a trip to the emergency anyway when the whole thing comes crashing down one of these days.

Until then, yay swinging! Wee!!



At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by our site. I can't believe our guys have the same b-day! Even if it's inspite of Xav being 12 weeks early and yours being a bit late! Xavier is just beginning to master the "sit" too- Enjoy your swinging! ( I love you're mei tai by the way!)

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

So cute in that swing! Avery loves to swing too, in fact we went across the street to our park last night to swing. Too bad you are too far away to come play with us!


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