DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday!

posted by Evan Jake at 12:45 PM

Yesterday was a busy day. First we went on a short roadtrip where I met mom's aunt, uncle and cousins. They were super nice. They also have two big doggies. And I mean big doggies. Mom said they were a special combination breed. Judging by the size of them, I'm guessing a combination of German Shepherd and Wooly Mammoth. But they didn't scare me. Dad seemed more freaked out than I was. I just sat there and got my face licked. I thought I drooled alot, but those dogs are experts.

Then, after we left their house, we went to someone else's house for a one-year birthday party, even though I'm not quite seven months old. Actually, the party for was for another baby. In fact, there were several other babies there. That meant I wasn't the center of attention the entire time, but my new friends were fun to play with anyway. That's me in the first picture playing with my new friends.

There was also a fun swing in the backyard. I'm a bit of a thrill junkie. (That's probably why I love car rides with dad.) I loved getting pushed in the swing by mom and dad. That's me in the other picture in the big swing. Weeee!

The birthday boy was very impressive. He was able to do this crawling thing all by himself. He could wiggle all the way over to mom and get himself picked up. Note to Evan Jake: that's a nifty trick I need to learn.

Later in the party, the birthday boy got a big cake all to himself. He stuck his fingers right into the cake and smeared it all in his mouth. It looked like a lot of fun. I wasn't allowed to have any cake. That's okay, because that other baby had already put his hands all in it. Maybe in a few months I can get a big party, too, and get some cake for myself.



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