DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Friday, July 28, 2006

Day Careless

posted by Evan Jake at 7:56 PM

I love car rides. Now every morning I get to go on a car ride with mom. Only this is a one-way car ride. And it's a one-way car ride to somewhere I don't really want to go:

Day care.

This whole week, mom has been driving me to day care for a few hours at a time. Mom is starting full-time work soon and that means full-time day care for Evan Jake. That's bad news. The first couple days, mom stayed and played with me at day care. But then she did the unthinkable, and left me there all alone!

That's me in the picture playing on the floor at home. This is where I prefer to be. Instead, I'll be spending most of my time playing on the floor at my day care. Or being held, or rocked or carried. But where's the WiFi? I can't even blog at day care.

I like my new baby friends. It's cool to see how much cuter I am than all those other babies. Mom says I'm the cutest baby there.

I haven't gotten used to taking naps there. Not that I'm such a good napper at home, either. But at day care its much harder to sleep. I don't know how anyone could sleep in that big open room. At home I get to take naps in my nice, dark, quiet room, with no noise other than my little fan that I've slept with ever since I was a newborn. There are no soft fan noises at day care. But they do play soft music sometimes.

When I can't sleep or if I get fussy, the nice ladies taking care of me sing me songs. And when I'm not crying, those ladies talk to each other in funny languages. I can't even understand English!

I cried a lot the first couple days, but I'm pulling myself together. Each day is going a little better. I even took a couple of naps while I was there to pass the time. And then, before I know it, every day mom comes back to pick me up. That's my favorite car ride of the day. The car ride home.



At 11:08 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

So happy you napped at day care! It's very important, you know.

Love the monkey shirt, too cute!

At 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope day care is going well! I bet there are tons of little one's to play with (none as cute as you of course!) Hope mommy's job is going well too!


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