DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Friday, September 22, 2006

Happy New Year, Again?!

posted by Evan Jake at 5:20 PM

Shanah Tova! (That means "Year Good" in Hebrew.)

Boy, how many times per year are we supposed to celebrate a new year? Am I supposed to make more New Year's resolutions? (I already did that.)

Mom and dad explained that today at sundown is the start of the Jewish New Year. It will be the first day of the year 5767 on the Jewish calendar. Or if you keep track of time like my mom does, it's month 71,317. Most importantly, the start of the new year meant I got to get out of day care early today. Actually, I got out early because I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon, but more on that another time.

So apparently this is a holy time of year. It's a time to celebrate. And it's a time to be thankful for all of life's blessings. Personally, I'd feel more blessed if I had a flat-screen TV and a house with stairs. We're also supposed to reflect on the year that's passed -- or in my case, the last nine months. It's time to acknowledge your sins and ask for forgiveness. Well, I'm just a baby and have nothing to ask forgiveness for. I'm pure and perfect. Mom and dad, on the other hand, have some serious apologizing to do.

I guess I can find it in my heart to forgive them for all the things they've done wrong to me. I know they're trying hard. Well, mom looks like she's trying anyway. Meanwhile, there seem to be a lot of Jewish holidays this month. They're all these special days where you're supposed to eat lots of food and not do any work or ride in cars (which is too bad, because I love car rides).

The Jewish New Year is celebrated by eating apples and honey. I'm not allowed to eat honey. But I do get to eat bland applesauce. So may your New Year be healthy, happy and unsweetened!



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