DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Thursday, September 21, 2006

One, Two, Cha-Cha-Cha

posted by Evan Jake at 8:33 PM

Sorry I haven't blogged in a little while. You see, for nine months and six days, I was carried around by mom until that fateful day when I was thrust out into this cold, cruel world. Now that I've been out here for nine months and seven days, I was expecting something dramatic to happen. What would happen to me this time? What could possibly be worse?

Well, nothing happened. I guess I'm here to stay. So I figured it was time to get moving. As you can see from my video below, I'm a baby on the move, baby. I can walk anywhere I want (so long as someone is holding my hands). Not only can I walk with some assistance, I can cruise around a room, too. I know, when I talk about "cruising" you probably think I'm talking about a car ride -- I love car rides. No, what I mean is that I can grab onto furniture and walk all around the room.

Cruising is fun. Now I can find all sorts of goodies to put my hands on that I'm not supposed to have or put in my mouth. Surprisingly, mom and dad have been trying to keep the house neater now. I'm glad I can give them an excuse to clean.

The problem is, I'm still not real sturdy on my feet (see video). And I fall a lot. I tend to get bumps and scrapes. Sometimes it looks like I've been beaten up. Maybe a social worker will see me all banged up and think I'm abused. Then they'll take me out of this house and protect me from these clueless parents!!



At 10:11 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

So cute!
So was he stopping for a break or because he got distracted?
We may never know :)


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