DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

diapereports: Huggies Overnites

posted by Evan Jake at 6:41 PM

Reviews will offer a good rating: "a Pacie"; or a bad rating: "a Stinky Diaper".

Unlike my previous "diapereports," this edition actually focuses on diapers. This week mom starting dressing me in a special diaper at night. They're called "Huggies Overnites."

First of all, let me say that these diapers are luxurious. They have a nice flexible waistband and extra padding in the tush. They have a Lion King theme printed all over them which is pretty irrelevant since I wear them under my sleeper and in the dark.

But the most remarkable feature of these diapers is their absorbency. They would surely hold lots and lots of that blue fluid they show in the commercials. I can only imagine what would happen if dad tried his science experiment on these puppies. Needless to say, these diapers absorb lots and lots of my mess while I sleep.

And because these diapers are so good at wicking away my unmentionables, I sleep so much better. I've been able to sleep in for 11 hours or more ever since I started wearing these! Maybe mom and dad finally figured out that babies don't sleep as long when lying in puddles of their own wee. OK, that didn't happen every night. But with these nicer diapers, I'm definitely sleeping better. I bet I was forced to wear those cheaper diapers because dad didn't want to spend more money on these nicer ones. I guess my wet tushy just wasn't important enough to him.

I wonder if Huggies makes a diaper just for long car rides. I love car rides. And I'd love them even more if I could ride around in a such plush diapers. I would call them "Huggies for Buggies!"

Huggies Overnites: A Pacie



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