DIAPERLOGUE: the unremarkable adventures of a suburban prince and princess

Saturday, October 14, 2006

EJX: On the Go

posted by Evan Jake at 7:50 AM

Okay, so this is what ten months feels like. Even though I try to keep my blog up-to-date, I know a lot of you may still curious what I've been up to recently. So over the next couple days, I'll be posting a multi-part series about life after ten months. So try to keep up. Because mom and dad seem to be dragging behind!

Part I: On the Go
There's no stopping me now. I'm on the move. You can plop me down wherever you want, but I'll scoot myself over the to the sofa or the bookshelves and pull up onto my feet. Once I'm upright and able to balance against something sturdy, I'm off. You might find me behind a chair, under a table or leaning casually against a wall waiting to be discovered. Hey, mom and dad, maybe it's time to baby-proof those wall outlets and the cupboards with all the pretty-looking bottles filled with cool-smelling chemicals.

That's me in the picture cruising around the edge of the sofa -- I know you're jealous of my footie PJs. Dad thinks I'm playing peek-a-boo with him. I'm really just trying to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't play with my toys when I'm not looking. I don't like to share. (Hey, hands off those stacking cups!)

Mom and dad are trying to contain me by building a rectangular wall of chairs, sofas and ottomans in the living room. It's kind of fun to play in there. It's like a fort and I can walk all around the inside. I'll find my way out of there soon enough. But for now, I'll entertain the effort. Hey, they're trying.

When I'm not cruising around holding onto furniture or walls, I can also get around by scooting on my bottom. It's not very fast but with just a couple hops on my tushy I can usually get within reach of my toys, the TV remote or an unassuming kitty cat.

Mom and dad are also encouraging me to crawl more. I'm not very good at it. If for some reason I find myself on my belly, I can wiggle and get around a little. But it's not very efficient trying to wriggle along my tummy. Plus, I still hate tummy time. So I try to avoid crawling whenever I can. If crawling is so great, why don't I ever see mom and dad doing it? Dad says it's because he has a bad knee. What's mom's excuse? Walking is clearly the better way to go. I'll keep practicing my walking and go from there.

I've taken a wobbly step or two on my own once or twice, but that's all. Why should I have to walk by myself when I can get mom or dad to walk with me? I like to walk all around the house holding onto mom or dad's hands. I can go anywhere I want, so long as they don't let go.

When I'm outside the house, I still get around by getting pushed in my stroller. The weather is getting colder and I hope that doesn't mean less walks around the neighborhood. But my favorite mode of transportation, of course, is going on car rides. I love car rides. The straps on my car seat are getting tighter as I grow. I wish dad would figure out how to loosen those straps. They're so tight they're stunting my growth. At the rate I'm growing, I should beo able to reach the pedals soon! Then watch out...

But when I'm not walking, cruising, creeping, crawling or getting driven around, I prefer one thing most of all: riding on mom's hip. Nothing beats bouncing around the house in mom's arms. At the end of a long day, I just want her to hold me, and no one else. (It's nothing personal, but take a hint, dad.)

Ooh, here comes mom now to pick me up. Gotta go.

To be continued...



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